Challenging and Engaging


Our Literacy Program incorporates 3 main interweaving components – Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening.


At Mentone Park students are engaged in our Literacy Program for two hour literacy program every day. Our Literacy Program incorporates whole class teaching, small and individual group work based on student needs and whole class reflection of their learning at the end of each session. Students are constantly challenged to further develop their comprehension skills in order to become critical, deeper thinkers. Students assessment includes both formal and informal testing.


Formal testing includes ‘On Demand’ testing, Victorian Curriculum Standards and NAPLAN.


Informal assessment includes running records, reading and writing assessment records, anecdotal notes and teacher observation.


Mentone Park Primary School’s mathematics curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum. Mathematics is broken up into 3 strands;

  • Number and Algebra
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability


At Mentone Park Primary School we deliver a mathematics curriculum that is challenging, fun and engaging. Teachers plan together in teams and use like needs and mixed ability groups to ensure students are individually catered for. Students are given support and extension throughout their learning journey. Teachers cater for different learning styles by using hands on, visual and interactive activities. Mentone Park Primary School focuses on building confidence, a love of learning and a deep understanding of mathematics.

Inquiry Learning

At Mentone Park teachers work together to plan units of work which are implemented across a two year time frame. Units of work are structured according to an Inquiry approach.


This is an open-ended, activity based, child centred teaching and learning approach which integrates across curriculum areas and fosters connections between learning. Through this, students are regularly provided with the opportunity to negotiate and reflect on their learning.


As a tool to support learning, ICT plays a major role in all areas of the curriculum. Students at Mentone Park benefit from a variety of devices including laptops, netbooks, ipads, and ipods, providing the flexibility of different learning approaches in a range of settings.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts promotes and encourages students to express themselves creatively using a variety of different mediums. Emphasis is placed upon developing confidence to experiment and problem solve in a supportive and productive atmosphere. Students proudly display their pieces of art work around the school, electronically and at the annual Art Show held in Term 4 each year.

Performing Arts

Our Performing Arts program provides students with opportunities to develop and refine their creativity through dance, drama and music. There is an emphasis on engagement and school connectedness, as well as skill development. A bi-annual school production is an important component of our performing arts program.

Physical Education

The P.E program at Mentone Park is developed sequentially from Prep to Year 6 and encompasses the Victorian Curriculum. Students have weekly lessons with a physical education specialist as well as sessions with their class teacher. In physical education, students participate in a comprehensive skills based program that provides them with a sound base for participation in sporting activities and in the development of a healthy lifestyle. The emphasis is on participation and enjoyment!

In addition, students participate in the following activities:

  • Swimming (Foundation to Year 4)
  • Senior Swimming (Years 5/6)
  • Outdoor Education (camps Years 3 – 6)
  • Perceptual Motor Program (Foundation)
  • House Sports
  • Bike Education (Years 5/6)
  • Inter School Sport (Years 5/6)
  • Specialist clinics provided by expert coaches and players
  • Lunchtime clubs
  • District Athletics and cross country carnivals (Years 4 – 6)
  • Students have the opportunity to progress through district, zone and state championships in all sports


The library is an extremely valuable resource for both students and teachers alike, where books and materials are available for planning, curriculum and research purposes, and, of course, books to read for pleasure. The library holds its annual Book Fair each August to enable the students and the wider school community to purchase new books and enhance literacy within the school.


Language Other Than English

Benvenuti in Italia! (Welcome to Italy)

Language studies provide opportunities for students to develop positive attitudes towards the learning of another language as well as increasing the students’ knowledge and appreciation of their own language. As it is highly desirable to start language learning early, Italian is offered to students at Mentone Park Primary School from Foundation through to Year 6.

The main objective of the course is to give the students some basic knowledge of the Italian Language and an insight into Italian culture. Where possible, topics and themes that are being investigated in the students’ classrooms are integrated into the LOTE program and incorporate a wide range of learning styles. The emphasis is on creating enjoyable and fun ways of engaging students and encouraging them to “have a go”.

Languages Online: Italian

P. 03 9583 4935 
F. 03 9583 9905

Broome Ave
Mentone 3194

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